花藥 (花波) - 情緒調頻
貝曲花療法是由英國貝曲醫生創研出來的自然療法系統,是一種震頻治療(Vibrational Medicine)或稱為能量治療。
量子物理學家証實,萬事萬物皆有微小的粒子組成, 而每一粒子都是震動頻率。人體也是由不同頻率的量子組合而成,小孩、動物也可使用。
花藥 (花波) - 情緒調頻
38 種 7大類花精包括治療恐懼、不確定與猶豫不決、逃避現實和對現況失去興趣、寂寞、對外來的影響和他人想法過於敏感、沮喪和絕望、對他人福祉過於關心的花精。花精療法借助大自然的能量調節情緒,溫和的糾正人格的不圓滿,引導出人類自我療癒的潛能,從而實現從內而外的療癒。
了解更多 → http://www.lovespirit.hk/334573427733258289823027427861.html
1. 細胞層次上 : 我們將人體內堆積過多的乳酸與自由基轉化减少氧化,延緩老化。
2. 在情緒上 : 將頻率低的負面情緒昇華成頻率高的愉悅與幸福感。
3. 在認知上 : 將負面的班批判、抱怨轉換成正面的欣賞,將悲觀的看法轉為樂觀的態度
4. 在靈性上 : 將人的意識從原本的自我意識,提升精微系統能感覺靈體的狀態,進入更高次元喚醒我們的靈性意
▪ 花精是什麼 ? 是精油嗎 ?
▪ 食用震頻治療
共有 38種針對不同情緒、壓力及性格的花藥組合可改善情緒,釋放潛在意識的負面情緒及性格。載有植物的能量水具有療癒情緒的作用,能撫平我們的內在波動,溫和無毒,無副作用也無依賴性。花精療癒是一種透過情緒覺察我們的認知和習性,進而認識自我、療癒自我的方法。
▪ 花藥 (花精/花波) 療法:
▪ 情緒排毒, 改善你的生活 :
▪ 花藥療法有以下特性:
自助選購花藥 :
購買花葯 現只提供英國版本
▪ 自助 選購花藥 :
Hkd 230/支 20ml
自助需購 3支起,每次食用最多調合7支
▪ 預約諮詢 :
基礎諮詢方案3次,每月1次每次面見約 45mins
平日優惠 : Hkd 3,200 (星期 1-5)
Hkd 3,800 (星期六日)
**LS催眠治療個案及 LS同行者可免費諮詢
▪ 花藥使用方法 :
每天 4次
方法1 (*建議) : 約350cc飲料 + 每支2滴 + 慢飲慢吞
方法2 : 直接滴於舌下,含一陣等一回再吞下,每支2滴
*可與水或常溫飲料一同飲用 (除咖啡)
*每次同時使用最多 7支( UK新版)
▪ 建議使用前的靜心儀式
1 : 在使用花波之前如果能夠讓心情放鬆效果會更好。
2 : 靜心音樂和引導,會協助你放鬆心情,達到更好的效果。(→音樂)
3 : 飲用花藥前,可先把自己觀想成一朵正能量的花朵,可以協助身邊的人。
▪ 保存注意事項 :
1 : 開瓶後關上需要大力扭緊,酒精成分會自然揮發
2 : 避免存放於太陽底下或潮濕地方
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
→ 個案回饋相簿
*【 LS 同行者計劃 】參與者每月任選諮詢服務已包含此項。
*暫只為參與花藥治療諮詢或催眠治療個案者提供開藥配方; 其他客户可參考以下介紹自助訂購。
自助選購花藥 :
# 1-38 為單方 ( 350cc + 每次2滴)
# 39 為複方 ( 350cc + 每次4滴)
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🌸 1. Agrimony 龍芽草
Communicate Openly. remedy Agrimony encourages the positive potential to open up, as well as communicate your real feelings. For those who hide a mountain of thoughts and inner turmoil behind their smile. Leave emotional discomfort in the past; face your emotion freely.
🌸 2. Aspen 白楊
Feel Secure. remedy Aspen encourages the positive potential to maintain a state of inner peace and security, regaining assurance of mind. For when apprehensions consume your mind, and unsettling feelings leave you on edge. Face the unknown with your head held high, and take on any moment throughout your day with confidence.
🌸 3. Beech 山毛櫸
可改善 : 完美主義者,不能容忍伴侶、同事、老闆、家人某些表現,覺得刺眼; 會以某種標準審視他人並將他人分門別類,好惡強烈、批判性強烈 ; 不自覺認為自已的想法與標準較優越,有將自身量尺往他人身上不斷比畫的習慣; 對批評很敏感,覺得他人都在評價自已; 或易招致他人批評 ; 對多元價值觀無法忍受 ; 察覺自已容易任意評論他人,或與人聚在一起講八卦的習慣
Be More Tolerant. remedy Beech encourages the positive potential to see the good in others despite imperfections, to release rigid attitudes, and build a sense of compassion. Ideal when meeting with people you know who get under your skin. Maintain a sense of tolerance, make allowances, and strengthen your relationships.
🌸 4. Centaury 矢車菊
可改善:不由自主相幫助別人、沒有辦法拒絕別人、膽小、容易被欺負、渴望服務別人但被過度壓榨 ; 很難開口拒絕別人的要求,即使心裡不情願,也會答應別人。他們不敢造成別人不悅,即使別人對他很過分,也把淚水往肚裡吞。當需要幫助時,往往不好意思開口求助。非常容易被佔便宜和利用,也容易受他人影響。
Be Assertive. remedy Centaury encourages the positive potential to not deny your own needs. You can express and defend your opinions, uninfluenced by others. For when you are finding yourself drained by others, struggling to say no, and feel imposed on. Follow your own path unconstrained by others’ thoughts and feelings. Prevent weak-willed and subservient tendencies; don’t be scared to say “No.”
🌸 5. Cerato 水蕨
Trust Intuition. remedy Cerato encourages the positive potential to encourage strength of mind, find trust in your own inner wisdom, and follow it. Stop doubting yourself, be more decisive and self-assured.
🌸 6. Cherry Plum 櫻桃李
可改善:情緒失控、衝動、強迫症、暴力傾向 ; 心裡受到太大的壓力或傷害時,快要控制不住自己的情緒,幾至崩潰抓狂時,櫻桃李可以給予立即的舒緩。每個人都有情緒失控的時候,失去理性,想報復、傷害他人或自己、不斷哭泣、暴怒,或任何強烈情緒
Be In Control. remedy Cherry Plum encourages the positive potential to find clarity in chaotic moments, and to think rationally. In life there may be hectic times when you feel like you might lose control, during those times extra support is vital to regain courage, and start to see the lighter side. Stay cool, act rationally, and be in control.
🌸 7. Chestnut Bud 栗苞
Learn From Mistakes. remedy Chestnut Bud encourages the positive potential to learn from past mistakes, gain knowledge and wisdom to move forward in life. For those who wish to stop making the same mistake over and over. Brings insight to your every day and helps you learn from past difficulties.
🌸 8. Chicory 菊苣
可改善:處理占有慾和掌控慾的花精。菊苣型的人像過度保護小孩的老媽子,喜歡給人忠告,囉唆,黏人,讓人喘不過氣。對旁人有強烈的情感依附,關懷備至且不斷討愛要人注意,很難放手,因而演變至過度的佔有慾。 當關心被拒絕時,菊苣人會覺得自己付出的沒有獲得回報,因而生氣。最常見的情況是情緒勒索:「我對你這麼好,你怎麼可以這樣對我?」嚴重的時候甚至會一哭二鬧三上吊。菊苣花精幫助這種人放下,將自私的愛轉化為無條件的愛,能夠適度付出關懷,而不求回報。是情感關係的重要花精,無論是掌控慾太強的婆婆、太愛獲取家人關懷陪伴的長輩、相處太黏的情人,以及孩子或寵物的分離焦慮。
Love Unconditionally. remedy Chicory encourages the positive potential to selflessly take a step back and care for others without expecting anything in return. Care for the ones you love without becoming manipulative or overprotective. Take a step back, and love unconditionally.
🌸 9. Clematis 鐵線蓮
Have Focus. remedy Clematis encourages the positive potential to find concentration, and stay focused on the task at hand. Combat dreaminess and find interest in daily tasks. Leave daydreaming for times when life is not full of things you need to get done.
🌸 10. Crab Apple 野生酸蘋果 (海棠)
Accept Imperfections. remedy Crab Apple encourages the positive potential to embrace your body and mind, and accept your imperfections. Obsessive thoughts over imperfections can lead to a poor self-image and a feeling of uncleanliness. Learn to accept yourself.
🌸 11. Elm 榆樹可改善:因外界給予的任務或壓力過大,擔心自己做不來,而暫時感到憂鬱的人。通常責任心強,能力也強,熱愛挑戰,因而被工作或家庭生活壓力壓得喘不過氣。壓力不斷累積,失去掌控,卻不喜歡開口求助,不斷鞭策自己,也不願讓別人失望,寧願硬撐。榆樹幫助得到內在力量,在壓力時期中,能清晰看待問題,冷靜處理事情,也比較願意向人求助
Be Efficient. remedy Elm encourages the positive potential of self assurance, keeping perspective, and returning to efficiency. Struggling to keep perspective leads to a sense of being overwhelmed. Don’t get overwhelmed: handle hectic days.
🌸 12. Gentian 龍膽
1. 龍膽和落葉松都呈現自信不足,不同之處在於龍膽是遭遇挫折之後的暫時失意,落葉松是一直以來就是如此。
2. 龍膽和荊豆都是消沉喪志,但龍膽程度較輕,仍願努力,荊豆程度更強至近乎絕望,已不願嘗試,是龍膽的加強版。
Accept Setbacks. remedy Gentian encourages the positive potential to put mistakes in context, cope with setbacks, pessimism, and negative outlooks. From small upsets to large difficulties, and when challenges build up, keep Gentian at hand. Approach all challenges with conviction.
🌸 13. Gorse 荊豆
Have Hope. remedy Gorse encourages the positive potential to regain the willpower to fight on, regaining faith and hope. In times when you need to find the sunshine at the end of a dark period, don’t give up hope. Feel brighter despite current physical, emotional, or other worldly problems.
🌸 14. Heather 石南
可改善: 常碎碎唸、自我中心、喋喋不休、喜歡談自己的事情、想獲得他人關心、想提升快樂、害怕獨處、希望有人傾聽心事
Empathize & Listen. remedy Heather encourages the positive potential to be heard, assisting you in developing a voice without appearing needy. Having conversations that are two-way and genuine is a vital part of open communication.
🌸 15. Holly 冬青
Goodwill Towards Others. remedy Holly encourages the positive potential to be generous-hearted without making demands. Curb the tendency to be jealous and full of suspicion. Open your mind to others’ lifestyles and needs without judgment.
🌸 16. Honeysuckle 忍冬
可改善:留戀過去的人。想著過去的種種,對目前不感興趣,談話中不斷重複過去的光輝歷史; 這種情形也常發生在老人身上。對過去的創傷回憶難以忘懷。成人/青少年在成長時,留念過去當孩子的無憂無慮時光也適用; 創傷後壓力症候群,遲遲走不出傷痛,幫助這些人抽離過去無論好或壞的經歷,回到當下的生命,邁步往前走。
Embrace The Now. remedy Honeysuckle encourages the positive potential to live in the present and not be held back. The past is what makes us who we are; however the ability to move forward in life, without regrets, does not always come easy. Reflect and learn from the past, leaving the regret behind.
🌸 17. Hornbeam 鵝耳櫪
Procrastinate Less. remedy Hornbeam encourages the positive potential to be certain in your ability, and “face the day ahead.” Shake off that “Monday morning feeling,” cope with the demanding day ahead and face whatever obstacles are on your schedule, without hesitation.
🌸 18. Impatiens 鳳仙花
可改善:急性子,遇到動作慢的人或需要等待的狀況,就很不耐煩。有時容易衝動出言不妥,又事後懊悔。看電影、電視、小說時,如果情節一開始沒抓住他的注意力,他就頻頻轉台; 需要耐性。有些人服藥或使用花精沒有立即看到效果便打算放棄的人,也應在處方中加入鳳仙花。
Have Patience. remedy Impatiens encourages the positive potential to think and act in less haste. We all become overly irritable, impatient and nervous from time to time. Find ease in how you deal when life, people, and situations slow you down.
🌸 19. Larch 落葉松
可改善:缺乏自信,覺得自己不能充分發揮能力,認為自己不如人,是失敗者,因此未戰先潰。 經常躲在人群背後,尋找藉口來逃避問題或困難。因事先假定自己會失敗,因而不敢冒險嘗試新事物。適用任何缺乏信心的狀況。
Have Confidence. remedy Larch encourages the positive potential to approach different situations with confidence and determination. Are you nervous to try new things due to a lack of confidence, or need a boost to your self-esteem? Find your inner confidence.
🌸 20. Mimulus 构酸醬
可改善:恐懼、害羞、膽小、有話不敢說、很容易受驚嚇、沒勇氣說No /拒絕別人
Face Your Fears. remedy Mimulus encourages the positive potential to face your fears and difficulties with courage. Stand up to what fears or difficulties you have. Enjoy your life without living in fear.
🌸 21. Mustard 芥子花 (芥末)
Be Joyful. emedy Mustard encourages the positive potential to return to joy. Everyone faces occasional sudden gloomy feelings. When you are feeling down, bring joy back into your daily life.
🌸 22. Oak 橡樹
re Endurance. remedy Oak encourages the positive potential to remain strong while understanding your own limits. When the struggle is real and you are exhausted but push on anyway. Recognize your need to recharge.
🌸 23. Olive 橄欖
Restore Energy. remedy Olive encourages the positive potential to revitalize yourself after making an effort. For times when all reserves of inner strength and energy have run out. Let go and allow yourself to revitalize and restore your mental energy.
🌸 24. Pine 松樹
Have Self-Respect. remedy Pine encourages the positive potential to accept and respect yourself as you would others. For times when you feel full of guilt and blame yourself for anything the goes wrong.
🌸 25. Red Chestnut 紅栗
可改善 :擔憂親愛的人發生不幸的人。紅栗是典型的媽媽花精。這類型的人過度為他人擔憂,可能每隔幾分鐘就查看一次小孩,或是親人稍微晚歸就憂心忡忡。不斷對他人噓寒問暖。如果關心的人失聯一會兒,就設想各種意外狀況,擔心得發狂。有趣的是,他只會擔心別人,不會擔心自己。紅栗花精能幫助這種人擺脫沒必要的擔憂,不再因別人的事而焦急。過於在乎身邊人的看法導致壓力太大、看似關心身邊的人,事實上是軟性掌控、擔心過度
Peace Of Mind. remedy Red Chestnut encourages the positive potential of peace of mind, to care for others with compassion but without the worry. Often a temporary feeling, anxious thoughts and worries can impact our relationships. Overcome the feeling of anxiety around others, and comfort your mind.
🌸 26. Rock Rose 岩薔薇
可改善:恐懼、做惡夢、突然的恐懼、長期生活在恐慌之中; 給任何強烈恐懼的人使用,當害怕到會用「驚」、「恐」、「慌」來形容時,就可以考慮在配方中加入岩薔薇花精。這是最強烈的恐懼,例如半夜被惡夢驚醒,或經歷意外事件而驚駭恐慌,怕到全身顫抖冷汗直流,呆住了,大腦整個停止運作,眩暈。岩薔薇能讓身心平靜,消除緊張,掌控狀況。
Have Courage. remedy Rock Rose encourages the positive potential of strong will and courage, especially in the face of emergencies. For times in your life when a sense of panic and helplessness is replaced by calm and courage.
🌸 27. Rock Water 岩泉水
Flexible Mind. remedy Rock Water encourages the positive potential of a flexible attitude when striving for your goals. Stop tying yourself down to inflexible and overly high standards. Open up to new ways of thinking and living.
🌸 28. Scleranthus 線球草
Be Decisive. remedy Scleranthus encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisiveness. For those who are viewed as unreliable, moody, and often change their mind when making decisions between two possibilities. Be more spontaneous when making decisions.
🌸 29. Star of Bethlehem 聖星百合
Neutralize Grief. remedy Star of Bethlehem neutralizes the effects of grief and encourages the positive potential of inner strength. Deal with the aftereffects of a life-altering experience. Have comfort and soothe your pain and sorrows.
🌸 30. Sweet Chestnut
Be Optimistic.remedy Sweet Chestnut encourages the positive potential of hopefulness. Face extreme feelings of hopeless despair with a clear mind. Regain control over your daily life with peace of mind.
🌸 31. Vervain
Relax & Calm. remedy Vervain encourages the positive potential of serenity, wisdom and tolerance. Remain enthusiastic towards the world around you while not imposing your views on others.
🌸 32. Vine 葡萄
Motivate Not Dominate. remedy Vine encourages the positive potential of determination, without domination. Be flexible, expressive and share your opinions without seeming dominant. Lead without intimidation.
🌸 33. Walnut
Adapt To Change. remedy Walnut encourages the positive potential to move forward and make changes in your life with a sense of constancy. Life is full of change. Instead of being taken off guard, support your mind in learning to adapt. Whether it's physical, environmental or influential, move forward in life with a sense of consistency.
🌸 34. Water Violet
Connect With Others. remedy Water Violet encourages the positive potential to find warmer relationships with others in a calm, relatable way. Allow yourself to reach out and connect with others. Cultivate and connect with the people that surround you.
🌸 35. White Chestnut
Calm The Mind. remedy White Chestnut encourages the positive potential to find tranquility and peace of mind. Don't let those repetitive thoughts cloud your mind and get in the way of your focus. Reclaim your day and cope with the hectic world around you.
🌸 36. Wild Oat
可改善 : 滿腔抱負、執行力差、沒行動力、一事無成、對現實不滿、對未來沒有方向、容易自暴自棄
Decide Your Path. remedy Wild Oat encourages the positive potential to decide on the right path for your future. When you are uncertain of what you want in life, and are faced with an important decision to make regarding your path. Find inner clarity.
🌸 37. Wild Rose
Show Enthusiasm. T remedy Wild Rose encourages the positive potential for enthusiasm and a lively interest in life. Reignite your passion for life, and find enthusiasm for the world in general, work, and those you care about. Take initiative, and make some changes.
🌸38. Willow
Forgive & Forget. remedy Willow encourages the positive potential to forgive and forget past injustices and enjoy life. Combat negativity, the consequences of resentment, and regain a sense of humor when life presents shortcomings. Don’t be a victim, control your own destiny.
🌸 39. Comforter Essence - First aid
自助選購花藥 :
# 1-38 為單方 ( 350cc + 1管)
# 39 為複方 ( 350cc + 2管)
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
貝曲花療法是由英國貝曲醫生創研出來的自然療法系統,是一種震頻治療(Vibrational Medicine)或稱為能量治療。
量子物理學家証實,萬事萬物皆有微小的粒子組成, 而每一粒子都是震動頻率。人體也是由不同頻率的量子組合而成,小孩、動物也可使用。
花藥 (花波) - 情緒調頻
38 種 7大類花精包括治療恐懼、不確定與猶豫不決、逃避現實和對現況失去興趣、寂寞、對外來的影響和他人想法過於敏感、沮喪和絕望、對他人福祉過於關心的花精。花精療法借助大自然的能量調節情緒,溫和的糾正人格的不圓滿,引導出人類自我療癒的潛能,從而實現從內而外的療癒。
了解更多 → http://www.lovespirit.hk/334573427733258289823027427861.html
1. 細胞層次上 : 我們將人體內堆積過多的乳酸與自由基轉化减少氧化,延緩老化。
2. 在情緒上 : 將頻率低的負面情緒昇華成頻率高的愉悅與幸福感。
3. 在認知上 : 將負面的班批判、抱怨轉換成正面的欣賞,將悲觀的看法轉為樂觀的態度
4. 在靈性上 : 將人的意識從原本的自我意識,提升精微系統能感覺靈體的狀態,進入更高次元喚醒我們的靈性意
▪ 花精是什麼 ? 是精油嗎 ?
▪ 食用震頻治療
共有 38種針對不同情緒、壓力及性格的花藥組合可改善情緒,釋放潛在意識的負面情緒及性格。載有植物的能量水具有療癒情緒的作用,能撫平我們的內在波動,溫和無毒,無副作用也無依賴性。花精療癒是一種透過情緒覺察我們的認知和習性,進而認識自我、療癒自我的方法。
▪ 花藥 (花精/花波) 療法:
▪ 情緒排毒, 改善你的生活 :
▪ 花藥療法有以下特性:
自助選購花藥 :
購買花葯 現只提供英國版本
▪ 自助 選購花藥 :
Hkd 230/支 20ml
自助需購 3支起,每次食用最多調合7支
▪ 預約諮詢 :
基礎諮詢方案3次,每月1次每次面見約 45mins
平日優惠 : Hkd 3,200 (星期 1-5)
Hkd 3,800 (星期六日)
**LS催眠治療個案及 LS同行者可免費諮詢
▪ 花藥使用方法 :
每天 4次
方法1 (*建議) : 約350cc飲料 + 每支2滴 + 慢飲慢吞
方法2 : 直接滴於舌下,含一陣等一回再吞下,每支2滴
*可與水或常溫飲料一同飲用 (除咖啡)
*每次同時使用最多 7支( UK新版)
▪ 建議使用前的靜心儀式
1 : 在使用花波之前如果能夠讓心情放鬆效果會更好。
2 : 靜心音樂和引導,會協助你放鬆心情,達到更好的效果。(→音樂)
3 : 飲用花藥前,可先把自己觀想成一朵正能量的花朵,可以協助身邊的人。
▪ 保存注意事項 :
1 : 開瓶後關上需要大力扭緊,酒精成分會自然揮發
2 : 避免存放於太陽底下或潮濕地方
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🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
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→ 個案回饋相簿
*【 LS 同行者計劃 】參與者每月任選諮詢服務已包含此項。
*暫只為參與花藥治療諮詢或催眠治療個案者提供開藥配方; 其他客户可參考以下介紹自助訂購。
自助選購花藥 :
# 1-38 為單方 ( 350cc + 每次2滴)
# 39 為複方 ( 350cc + 每次4滴)
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🌸 1. Agrimony 龍芽草
Communicate Openly. remedy Agrimony encourages the positive potential to open up, as well as communicate your real feelings. For those who hide a mountain of thoughts and inner turmoil behind their smile. Leave emotional discomfort in the past; face your emotion freely.
🌸 2. Aspen 白楊
Feel Secure. remedy Aspen encourages the positive potential to maintain a state of inner peace and security, regaining assurance of mind. For when apprehensions consume your mind, and unsettling feelings leave you on edge. Face the unknown with your head held high, and take on any moment throughout your day with confidence.
🌸 3. Beech 山毛櫸
可改善 : 完美主義者,不能容忍伴侶、同事、老闆、家人某些表現,覺得刺眼; 會以某種標準審視他人並將他人分門別類,好惡強烈、批判性強烈 ; 不自覺認為自已的想法與標準較優越,有將自身量尺往他人身上不斷比畫的習慣; 對批評很敏感,覺得他人都在評價自已; 或易招致他人批評 ; 對多元價值觀無法忍受 ; 察覺自已容易任意評論他人,或與人聚在一起講八卦的習慣
Be More Tolerant. remedy Beech encourages the positive potential to see the good in others despite imperfections, to release rigid attitudes, and build a sense of compassion. Ideal when meeting with people you know who get under your skin. Maintain a sense of tolerance, make allowances, and strengthen your relationships.
🌸 4. Centaury 矢車菊
可改善:不由自主相幫助別人、沒有辦法拒絕別人、膽小、容易被欺負、渴望服務別人但被過度壓榨 ; 很難開口拒絕別人的要求,即使心裡不情願,也會答應別人。他們不敢造成別人不悅,即使別人對他很過分,也把淚水往肚裡吞。當需要幫助時,往往不好意思開口求助。非常容易被佔便宜和利用,也容易受他人影響。
Be Assertive. remedy Centaury encourages the positive potential to not deny your own needs. You can express and defend your opinions, uninfluenced by others. For when you are finding yourself drained by others, struggling to say no, and feel imposed on. Follow your own path unconstrained by others’ thoughts and feelings. Prevent weak-willed and subservient tendencies; don’t be scared to say “No.”
🌸 5. Cerato 水蕨
Trust Intuition. remedy Cerato encourages the positive potential to encourage strength of mind, find trust in your own inner wisdom, and follow it. Stop doubting yourself, be more decisive and self-assured.
🌸 6. Cherry Plum 櫻桃李
可改善:情緒失控、衝動、強迫症、暴力傾向 ; 心裡受到太大的壓力或傷害時,快要控制不住自己的情緒,幾至崩潰抓狂時,櫻桃李可以給予立即的舒緩。每個人都有情緒失控的時候,失去理性,想報復、傷害他人或自己、不斷哭泣、暴怒,或任何強烈情緒
Be In Control. remedy Cherry Plum encourages the positive potential to find clarity in chaotic moments, and to think rationally. In life there may be hectic times when you feel like you might lose control, during those times extra support is vital to regain courage, and start to see the lighter side. Stay cool, act rationally, and be in control.
🌸 7. Chestnut Bud 栗苞
Learn From Mistakes. remedy Chestnut Bud encourages the positive potential to learn from past mistakes, gain knowledge and wisdom to move forward in life. For those who wish to stop making the same mistake over and over. Brings insight to your every day and helps you learn from past difficulties.
🌸 8. Chicory 菊苣
可改善:處理占有慾和掌控慾的花精。菊苣型的人像過度保護小孩的老媽子,喜歡給人忠告,囉唆,黏人,讓人喘不過氣。對旁人有強烈的情感依附,關懷備至且不斷討愛要人注意,很難放手,因而演變至過度的佔有慾。 當關心被拒絕時,菊苣人會覺得自己付出的沒有獲得回報,因而生氣。最常見的情況是情緒勒索:「我對你這麼好,你怎麼可以這樣對我?」嚴重的時候甚至會一哭二鬧三上吊。菊苣花精幫助這種人放下,將自私的愛轉化為無條件的愛,能夠適度付出關懷,而不求回報。是情感關係的重要花精,無論是掌控慾太強的婆婆、太愛獲取家人關懷陪伴的長輩、相處太黏的情人,以及孩子或寵物的分離焦慮。
Love Unconditionally. remedy Chicory encourages the positive potential to selflessly take a step back and care for others without expecting anything in return. Care for the ones you love without becoming manipulative or overprotective. Take a step back, and love unconditionally.
🌸 9. Clematis 鐵線蓮
Have Focus. remedy Clematis encourages the positive potential to find concentration, and stay focused on the task at hand. Combat dreaminess and find interest in daily tasks. Leave daydreaming for times when life is not full of things you need to get done.
🌸 10. Crab Apple 野生酸蘋果 (海棠)
Accept Imperfections. remedy Crab Apple encourages the positive potential to embrace your body and mind, and accept your imperfections. Obsessive thoughts over imperfections can lead to a poor self-image and a feeling of uncleanliness. Learn to accept yourself.
🌸 11. Elm 榆樹可改善:因外界給予的任務或壓力過大,擔心自己做不來,而暫時感到憂鬱的人。通常責任心強,能力也強,熱愛挑戰,因而被工作或家庭生活壓力壓得喘不過氣。壓力不斷累積,失去掌控,卻不喜歡開口求助,不斷鞭策自己,也不願讓別人失望,寧願硬撐。榆樹幫助得到內在力量,在壓力時期中,能清晰看待問題,冷靜處理事情,也比較願意向人求助
Be Efficient. remedy Elm encourages the positive potential of self assurance, keeping perspective, and returning to efficiency. Struggling to keep perspective leads to a sense of being overwhelmed. Don’t get overwhelmed: handle hectic days.
🌸 12. Gentian 龍膽
1. 龍膽和落葉松都呈現自信不足,不同之處在於龍膽是遭遇挫折之後的暫時失意,落葉松是一直以來就是如此。
2. 龍膽和荊豆都是消沉喪志,但龍膽程度較輕,仍願努力,荊豆程度更強至近乎絕望,已不願嘗試,是龍膽的加強版。
Accept Setbacks. remedy Gentian encourages the positive potential to put mistakes in context, cope with setbacks, pessimism, and negative outlooks. From small upsets to large difficulties, and when challenges build up, keep Gentian at hand. Approach all challenges with conviction.
🌸 13. Gorse 荊豆
Have Hope. remedy Gorse encourages the positive potential to regain the willpower to fight on, regaining faith and hope. In times when you need to find the sunshine at the end of a dark period, don’t give up hope. Feel brighter despite current physical, emotional, or other worldly problems.
🌸 14. Heather 石南
可改善: 常碎碎唸、自我中心、喋喋不休、喜歡談自己的事情、想獲得他人關心、想提升快樂、害怕獨處、希望有人傾聽心事
Empathize & Listen. remedy Heather encourages the positive potential to be heard, assisting you in developing a voice without appearing needy. Having conversations that are two-way and genuine is a vital part of open communication.
🌸 15. Holly 冬青
Goodwill Towards Others. remedy Holly encourages the positive potential to be generous-hearted without making demands. Curb the tendency to be jealous and full of suspicion. Open your mind to others’ lifestyles and needs without judgment.
🌸 16. Honeysuckle 忍冬
可改善:留戀過去的人。想著過去的種種,對目前不感興趣,談話中不斷重複過去的光輝歷史; 這種情形也常發生在老人身上。對過去的創傷回憶難以忘懷。成人/青少年在成長時,留念過去當孩子的無憂無慮時光也適用; 創傷後壓力症候群,遲遲走不出傷痛,幫助這些人抽離過去無論好或壞的經歷,回到當下的生命,邁步往前走。
Embrace The Now. remedy Honeysuckle encourages the positive potential to live in the present and not be held back. The past is what makes us who we are; however the ability to move forward in life, without regrets, does not always come easy. Reflect and learn from the past, leaving the regret behind.
🌸 17. Hornbeam 鵝耳櫪
Procrastinate Less. remedy Hornbeam encourages the positive potential to be certain in your ability, and “face the day ahead.” Shake off that “Monday morning feeling,” cope with the demanding day ahead and face whatever obstacles are on your schedule, without hesitation.
🌸 18. Impatiens 鳳仙花
可改善:急性子,遇到動作慢的人或需要等待的狀況,就很不耐煩。有時容易衝動出言不妥,又事後懊悔。看電影、電視、小說時,如果情節一開始沒抓住他的注意力,他就頻頻轉台; 需要耐性。有些人服藥或使用花精沒有立即看到效果便打算放棄的人,也應在處方中加入鳳仙花。
Have Patience. remedy Impatiens encourages the positive potential to think and act in less haste. We all become overly irritable, impatient and nervous from time to time. Find ease in how you deal when life, people, and situations slow you down.
🌸 19. Larch 落葉松
可改善:缺乏自信,覺得自己不能充分發揮能力,認為自己不如人,是失敗者,因此未戰先潰。 經常躲在人群背後,尋找藉口來逃避問題或困難。因事先假定自己會失敗,因而不敢冒險嘗試新事物。適用任何缺乏信心的狀況。
Have Confidence. remedy Larch encourages the positive potential to approach different situations with confidence and determination. Are you nervous to try new things due to a lack of confidence, or need a boost to your self-esteem? Find your inner confidence.
🌸 20. Mimulus 构酸醬
可改善:恐懼、害羞、膽小、有話不敢說、很容易受驚嚇、沒勇氣說No /拒絕別人
Face Your Fears. remedy Mimulus encourages the positive potential to face your fears and difficulties with courage. Stand up to what fears or difficulties you have. Enjoy your life without living in fear.
🌸 21. Mustard 芥子花 (芥末)
Be Joyful. emedy Mustard encourages the positive potential to return to joy. Everyone faces occasional sudden gloomy feelings. When you are feeling down, bring joy back into your daily life.
🌸 22. Oak 橡樹
re Endurance. remedy Oak encourages the positive potential to remain strong while understanding your own limits. When the struggle is real and you are exhausted but push on anyway. Recognize your need to recharge.
🌸 23. Olive 橄欖
Restore Energy. remedy Olive encourages the positive potential to revitalize yourself after making an effort. For times when all reserves of inner strength and energy have run out. Let go and allow yourself to revitalize and restore your mental energy.
🌸 24. Pine 松樹
Have Self-Respect. remedy Pine encourages the positive potential to accept and respect yourself as you would others. For times when you feel full of guilt and blame yourself for anything the goes wrong.
🌸 25. Red Chestnut 紅栗
可改善 :擔憂親愛的人發生不幸的人。紅栗是典型的媽媽花精。這類型的人過度為他人擔憂,可能每隔幾分鐘就查看一次小孩,或是親人稍微晚歸就憂心忡忡。不斷對他人噓寒問暖。如果關心的人失聯一會兒,就設想各種意外狀況,擔心得發狂。有趣的是,他只會擔心別人,不會擔心自己。紅栗花精能幫助這種人擺脫沒必要的擔憂,不再因別人的事而焦急。過於在乎身邊人的看法導致壓力太大、看似關心身邊的人,事實上是軟性掌控、擔心過度
Peace Of Mind. remedy Red Chestnut encourages the positive potential of peace of mind, to care for others with compassion but without the worry. Often a temporary feeling, anxious thoughts and worries can impact our relationships. Overcome the feeling of anxiety around others, and comfort your mind.
🌸 26. Rock Rose 岩薔薇
可改善:恐懼、做惡夢、突然的恐懼、長期生活在恐慌之中; 給任何強烈恐懼的人使用,當害怕到會用「驚」、「恐」、「慌」來形容時,就可以考慮在配方中加入岩薔薇花精。這是最強烈的恐懼,例如半夜被惡夢驚醒,或經歷意外事件而驚駭恐慌,怕到全身顫抖冷汗直流,呆住了,大腦整個停止運作,眩暈。岩薔薇能讓身心平靜,消除緊張,掌控狀況。
Have Courage. remedy Rock Rose encourages the positive potential of strong will and courage, especially in the face of emergencies. For times in your life when a sense of panic and helplessness is replaced by calm and courage.
🌸 27. Rock Water 岩泉水
Flexible Mind. remedy Rock Water encourages the positive potential of a flexible attitude when striving for your goals. Stop tying yourself down to inflexible and overly high standards. Open up to new ways of thinking and living.
🌸 28. Scleranthus 線球草
Be Decisive. remedy Scleranthus encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisiveness. For those who are viewed as unreliable, moody, and often change their mind when making decisions between two possibilities. Be more spontaneous when making decisions.
🌸 29. Star of Bethlehem 聖星百合
Neutralize Grief. remedy Star of Bethlehem neutralizes the effects of grief and encourages the positive potential of inner strength. Deal with the aftereffects of a life-altering experience. Have comfort and soothe your pain and sorrows.
🌸 30. Sweet Chestnut
Be Optimistic.remedy Sweet Chestnut encourages the positive potential of hopefulness. Face extreme feelings of hopeless despair with a clear mind. Regain control over your daily life with peace of mind.
🌸 31. Vervain
Relax & Calm. remedy Vervain encourages the positive potential of serenity, wisdom and tolerance. Remain enthusiastic towards the world around you while not imposing your views on others.
🌸 32. Vine 葡萄
Motivate Not Dominate. remedy Vine encourages the positive potential of determination, without domination. Be flexible, expressive and share your opinions without seeming dominant. Lead without intimidation.
🌸 33. Walnut
Adapt To Change. remedy Walnut encourages the positive potential to move forward and make changes in your life with a sense of constancy. Life is full of change. Instead of being taken off guard, support your mind in learning to adapt. Whether it's physical, environmental or influential, move forward in life with a sense of consistency.
🌸 34. Water Violet
Connect With Others. remedy Water Violet encourages the positive potential to find warmer relationships with others in a calm, relatable way. Allow yourself to reach out and connect with others. Cultivate and connect with the people that surround you.
🌸 35. White Chestnut
Calm The Mind. remedy White Chestnut encourages the positive potential to find tranquility and peace of mind. Don't let those repetitive thoughts cloud your mind and get in the way of your focus. Reclaim your day and cope with the hectic world around you.
🌸 36. Wild Oat
可改善 : 滿腔抱負、執行力差、沒行動力、一事無成、對現實不滿、對未來沒有方向、容易自暴自棄
Decide Your Path. remedy Wild Oat encourages the positive potential to decide on the right path for your future. When you are uncertain of what you want in life, and are faced with an important decision to make regarding your path. Find inner clarity.
🌸 37. Wild Rose
Show Enthusiasm. T remedy Wild Rose encourages the positive potential for enthusiasm and a lively interest in life. Reignite your passion for life, and find enthusiasm for the world in general, work, and those you care about. Take initiative, and make some changes.
🌸38. Willow
Forgive & Forget. remedy Willow encourages the positive potential to forgive and forget past injustices and enjoy life. Combat negativity, the consequences of resentment, and regain a sense of humor when life presents shortcomings. Don’t be a victim, control your own destiny.
🌸 39. Comforter Essence - First aid
自助選購花藥 :
# 1-38 為單方 ( 350cc + 1管)
# 39 為複方 ( 350cc + 2管)
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
🎊優惠/ 預約聯絡 : https://bit.ly/3BZIZxR
點擊圖片- 了解花藥情緒調頻 :